MHI Mercedes-Benz L911 Mercedes red
In many countries of the Middle East and Africa, it is still in use today and is still regarded there as the symbol of the powerful and reliable Mercedes-Benz truck - the Mercedes-Benz L911, better known as the „Mercedes short truck“. As early as the end of the 1940s, the trend in automobile design became apparent, away from the classic lines with a long engine hood and free-standing fenders - towards the modern pontoon shape. This applied to the development of both passenger cars and trucks. For this reason, the shape of conventional hooded trucks also evolved toward a more modern design similar to the pontoon shape. The Opel Blitz, which
was presented as early as 1952, was considered a trendsetter at the time, and several truck manufacturers took its typical appearance as a model. Daimler-Benz AG took account of this development and also of the length and weight restrictions for trucks introduced at the time in favor of freight transport by the German Federal Railroad, and in 1959 introduced the Mercedes-Benz L322 and L327 models, the very successful truck series still known today as the „Kurzhauber:
Warning: Collector model not suitable for children under the age of 14 years.